Kalil Mordidjabiny (Home becoming strong)
Kalil Mordidjabiny (Home becoming strong) – TCP
The Kalil Mordidjabiny (Home becoming strong) / Transition Care Program (TCP) is a time-limited, goal-orientated program designed to improve or maintain independence and confidence after a stay in hospital. Extra support is provided in your own home to help with continued recovery, assist in going from hospital to home and help you plan arrangements for the future.
TCP is a time limited service, and can be provided for up to twelve weeks.
If you or your family member (over 50+years) is in hospital or expecting admission to hospital, you could benefit from some additional assistance when you go back home.
For more information, please read the below information brochure or call our TCP Team on 9797 8111.
Home Care Package
This Schedule provides information on the price for common services a client can access through an Aged Care Home Care Package. The costs will be deducted from their overall package budget.
There are many other services that can access through a Home Care Package but not listed below.
This may include allied health services, home maintenance, aids or equipment which may form part of the Client’s Care Plan.
Services delivered as part of a clients Care Plan are GST-free.