Bindjareb Aged Care Services (Mandurah)

The first Aboriginal Aged Care Service in Perth was launched in Mandurah during February 2023. The service is the hub of home and community care activities, services and supports for First Nations Elders in the Bindjareb region.

We provide social support, group activities, domestic assistance, basic home maintenance and transport to Aboriginal community members over the age of 50. The services also streamline the process for Aboriginal people to access aged care facilities through trusted Indigenous facilitators.

To be eligible for these services you must be:

Over the age of 50.

Not receiving other supports (NDIS/CHSP).

You must live in the Bindjareb region.

For further information please contact the SWAMS Mandurah office on 9514 5995.

Our Aged Care Services are now accredited against the Aged Care Quality and Safety Standards meaning SWAMS can continue to provide high quality services and programs for our Elders in the South West and Bindjareb regions.

SWAMS Aged Care Services information flyer